Firecomms 浙江飞尔康通信技术有限公司成立于2010年10月,注册资金8120万元,现已发展成为一家服务于全球顶级客户的光通信芯片及光收发器供应商。
Firecomms 飞尔康公司全资在爱尔兰设立全球研发中心(Firecomms Ltd.),且有多名爱尔兰科学家服务于公司并为全球客户提供一流的研发成果和产品。Firecomms 飞尔康公司拥有在美国、英国、欧盟、日本及中国等地的大量国际发明专利,覆盖了塑料光纤通信全产业链。
Firecomms 飞尔康在浙江桐乡设立全球制造及物流中心并建有高标准的厂房进行芯片封测、收发器组装和相关器件和设备的生产,通过了ISO9001/ISO14001质量管理体系认证。
Firecomms 飞尔康公司已成为多家世界知名企业飞利浦、西门子、GE、施耐德、阿尔斯通、中车等的供应商,且公司的产品和技术已广泛应用于智能电网、物联网、工业控制、医疗设备、电力设备、新能源、轨道交通、汽车、航天、通信、高端机器人等众多行业。
Firecomms 飞尔康公司作为国际化运营的企业,已在美国奥斯汀、意大利米兰、日本及中国上海、北京、深圳、重庆设立有独立的市场营销团队,同时透过代理及分销合作伙伴向全球客户提供全面的技术支持与销售服务。
Firecomms is a global leader in the provision of fiber optic solutions and optical transceivers, skillfully combining state-of the-art compound and silicon semiconductor technology with inventive small-scale integration. We pioneered highly efficient RCLEDs, the connectorless Optolock transceiver, and many other innovative technologies that transform our customers’ communications networks in multi-discipline market segments of power & energy, industrial, transportation, medical, gaming, mil/aero and consumer.
A global multinational company, Firecomms is jointly headquartered in Cork, Ireland and Tongxiang, China with a global footprint of distribution and logistics teams. In Ireland, our R&D team comprises PhD researchers who are respected members in their fields. In China, our world-class manufacturing and quality systems are based on high-volume automated production and testing.
Providing discrete devices to full-fledged optical communication solutions at board level, our dedicated teams bring a wealth of knowledge in optics, semiconductor, light sources and receiver design. We enable customers to implement solutions with commonly available components or custom designed solutions. Whether you require optical communications for a high precision volume manufacturing systems, provide millions of consumers with reliable bandwidth in their homes, or manage sophisticated new generation smart grids, just tell us your needs.
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